Thursday, May 22, 2008

File folders and tampons and knees - oh my!

This is how I started my day yesterday.

I got to work.
I printed out my schedule.
I picked up a file folder and got a giant, nasty papercut on my palm.
It started bleeding like hell.
I opened my purse to grab a tissue to staunch said bleeding, completely forgetting I had stuffed it full of tampons to avoid a "bad situation" at work (as I had experienced the previous day, in which there were no tampons to be found anyyyyyyyywhere).
Tampons came flying out of my purse and started raining down on me and everywhere in my cube.
I started running around MY CUBE (imagine that), trying to pick up the tampons that were getting sprinkled with paper-cut blood before my coworkers saw.
I heard the printer and ran to grab my schedule before anyone else felt the need to get up and tend to the printer.
And I fell. Hard. On my face, between all the cubes, with people up and down the hall staring at me.
And my coworker - you know, one of the ones that I was trying to make sure DIDN'T SEE ANYTHING, yelled "OH MY GOD!!!" so even more people popped up to see what the ruckus was.
I crawled back to my cube, in pain and ready to throw up, and sat amongst the tampons, hoping to die.

I did not die. Sigh.

How was your day?

Monday, May 5, 2008

On Being an Evil Stepmother

I got married last August to a wonderful man, who also happened to have two children. I knew by the time of the wedding that he was a full package deal, with lots of ex-wife and "kid" baggage, and I was prepared to take it all on. By the time of our wedding, his 15-year-old daughter decided not to come because we wouldn't let her boyfriend come and stay in a hotel with her (!!). The drama of the ex-wife and the kids was fairly constant, and we (my husband and I - and to save time, let's just call him M from now on, k?) Nevertheless, I loved my soon-to-be husband more than anything and knew he was worth it.

Our house is much different that their mom's. We have rules and structure. We expect homework and chores to be done before free time (although we are pretty relaxed about free time!). We believe in consequences for actions - good and bad. My kids are used to it, as they've been around it for a long time! His kids - not so much. And they don't like it! I wouldn't either - they can go to their mom's and do whatever they want. No consequences, no discipline, and then we are the bad guys.

After the wedding - in fact, THE DAY we got back - the drama started on a level I had not seen before. The girls called that day and wanted to come over because they hated their mom. Since then, the oldest SK has gone between loving us to hating us about a million times. She's done drugs, had sex with multiple partners, lied about many things, blamed all her problems on her dad, and runaway. She's been pulled out of school because she was so hated by everyone at school for sleeping with people's boyfriends. She's going to online school and failing everything. When this all first happened, we offered to help if (and only if) her mother agreed to let us take care of the education and follow our rules and consequences. She did at first, and then stopped - and told her daughter she didn't have to come over anymore. She's gone from all A's and B's to failing many classes, and she won't talk to her dad anymore. It's truly been a mess.

The youngest has also had a big year: lying, crying, coming "out" as a bisexual, and cutting herself and blaming it on her dad. She's in counseling now and hopefully will be for a while. She's a great kid, just confused right now.

I wonder, sometimes, if I would have done this if I KNEW at the beginning how much work it would be and how hard it would be. It's been so hard on our marriage - we are still newly married, and I wonder at times if it will work out. His daughters blame all their current problems on me and us being married, and I know I don't deserve it... but it's hard anyway. Their mother, who works at my former bank, says awful things about me, my kids, and my husband and has not only messed around with my bank accounts (that's why it's my FORMER bank), but also my children's. She goes from one day to the next claiming we are best friends (to my embarassment and horror) to saying horrible things about me to people I work with who happen to go to the bank where she works.

I love my husband so much, but it's harrrrrrrd. Very hard! The best way I've found to deal with this is to just let HIM deal with it. I don't answer his ex-wife or kids phone calls. They have been so disprespectful and cruel to both me and him that I don't feel I have to answer the calls - I wouldn't with anyone else, especially someone in my own family! I spent a long time trying to please my husband regarding his kids, and this led to me being sort of a doormat, which consequently led to a lot of other problems. I was angry and depressed all the time. By limiting the way I interact with them and letting these duties fall to my husband, I've cut out 95% of the drama that was coming along with this. It's still VERY hard for my husband and I to talk about his girls and any kind of discipline -so I try to limit this too, while we work on our issues with this in counseling.

Being a stepmother, especially to teen or preteen girls, is hard. I've NEVER done anything harder in my life, and there is actually nothing to show for the effort. If you are in this situation, how do you deal with it? What has worked? What hasn't?